Christmas greetings from Euserv

18.12.2014 | von katjaateuserv | views: 3.362

EUserv Christmas tree

The year is coming to an end and representative for the entire EUserv team we would like to thank you for your trust and interest in our products and services. We wish you a Merry Christmas, thoughtful holidays for you and your family and a Happy New Year.

We would like to point out that we will have limited support on 19th of December 2014 and during the holidays.

On Friday, 19th of December 2014 our phone support is not available from 12.00 p.m. until 5.00 p.m. because of an internal training.

During the holidays our phone support is not available on the following days:

– 2014/12/24
– 2014/12/25
– 2014/12/26
– 2014/12/31
– 2015/01/01

During this time, support requests will be handled via the support system in our customer panel. Customers with optional booked support SLAs are not affected by the limited phone support.

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