Hyper-V Server 2012 / Misurfi Server without Setup Fee / WebDAV changes

26.09.2013 | von Robby | views: 3.274


1.) Server news #1: Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012 Core available
2.) Server news #2: „Misurfi“ server without setup fee
3.) Webspace news: Adaptation of WebDAV paths


1.) Server news #1: Microsoft Hyper-V Server 2012 Core available

In addition to the licensed editions of Windows Server 2012, we are now offering a free Hyper-V Server 2012 core. This combines all the features of Hyper-V standard or Datacenter versions of Windows Server 2012. Hyper-V Server 2012 Core can be installed via the customer panel and can be managed via Remote Desktop. To administer the VM’s, PowerShell (on Windows 8) or the Hyper-V Manager can be used.

Hyper-V Server 2012 core contains the innovations of paid hypervisors. In addition to the higher performance (up to 320 logical CPUs, 4 TB physical RAM and 1 TB of virtual RAM per VM) it includes various features. This especially concerns the point storage (storage QoS, faster live migration, online resizing of VHDX files.)

Hyper-V Server 2012 core can be operated as a stand-alone host or in an Active Directory domain. As opposed to Windows Server 2012, the rights to run the host operating system are not included. The Hyper-V Server 2012 Core is especially suitable for virtualization of Linux systems or VDI solutions.

More features:

– Replication of VMs between Hyper-V hosts
– Live migration of VM’s
– VHDX supports hard drives up to 64 TB
– SMB in Version 2.2


– no rights for virtualizing Windows guests
– Host virtualization limited (other services such as ADS, DNS, or DHCP can not be operated in parallel)
– no GUI (Administration via Powershell or command line required)


2.) Server news #2: „Misurfi“ server without setup fee

Order your new server now:
No setup fees until 2013-09-30 for all dedicated servers of the „Misurfi“ series.

The „Misurfi“ servers are especially suited for beginners because of their good hardware at a very reasonable price or for self-employed individuals who put a value on their own hosting on a dedicated server.

Direct link:


3.) Webspace news: Adaptation of WebDAV paths

All webspace plans got a change since 2013-09-18 regarding the WebDAV paths. When using WebDAV access the Root directory of the current <FTP-account> / www / data,  changes to <FTP-account> / www.

This change has two backgrounds. Firstly, the log files can be easily accessed via WebDAV, secondly, the stored CGI scripts on your webspace can be managed directly.

To edit the web page data, change to „data“ folder as usual.

{lang: 'de'}

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