Plesk 11.5 for dedicated servers available

04.10.2013 | von Robby | views: 2.430

Due to the End-of-Life status of Plesk 9.x and the release of Plesk 11.5
we are now providing installation images for Debian 7.1, openSUSE 12.3 and CentOS 6.4.
All of these images include a default installation of Plesk 11.5 and can be installed „out of the box“ from the customer center. Additionally there is a software raid1 version available for each system.

Coming with critical security fixes against malware exploits in the first place, Plesk 11.5 is providing the following features:

– Support has been officially announced for Debian 7

– Additional administrator accounts can be created; until now this feature was exclusive to Windows versions of Plesk only

– Multiple versions of PHP can be installed and used on a single server. This affects resellers mainly: Different PHP versions can be assigned to and selected by specific customer roles

– Specific Apache configuration values (regarding MIME types, handlers, access restrictions and index files) can be set for certain websites by the customer. A similar function is available when using the Nginx web server.

– Static files and PHP can directly be delivered and processed via Nginx without redirecting them to Apache

– FTP webspace can be accessed via an SSL-secured connection

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