Server bandwidth / additional vServer modules / New Wiki instruction for OpenXenManager

18.07.2013 | von Robby | views: 8.473

We hereby publish the hosting and server news at EUserv from July, 18th 2013.


1.) Server News: Bandwidth type Selector in beta testing/ switching to traffic flat rate
2.) vServer News: Additional modules for iptables
3.) Support-Information: New Wiki instruction „OpenXenManager“


1.) Server News: Bandwidth type Selector in beta testing/ switching to traffic flat rate

For all users of a dedicated server at EUserv , the new feature „bandwidth type“ is available in the customer center since today.

At first sight it is kind of unimpressive, but it comes with a significant innovation: A traffic flat rate – without forced restriction, no extra charge and available for all server plans.

Since we do not want to do anything without sufficient testing and supply the best quality to each customer, this function will run for a certain time in the beta test. We start with a „100 Mbps unmetered / flat no SLA“ – option. More options will follow. This also applies to servers with 1Gbps port and does not mean their restriction.

During the beta test, you can completely use this feature. We will also optimize and expand our network for this function. We ask you for feedback and questions in the forum.

All customers who do not want to change anything, use the default setting „standard“. This setting corresponds to the standard of the bandwidth type/ traffic charge included in the respective plan.

Link to the forum:,8281.0.html


2.) vServer News: Additional modules for iptables

The vServer – surroundings „test environment for vserver Trial“ and the „live systems“ have been extended to the following modules. The modules allow an advanced configuration using IPTABLES. The loading of modules can be done by restarting the vServer.

The new modules are: xt_iprange, ipt_mac, ipt_connlimit, ipt_comment, ipt_addrtype, xt_connbytes, xt_hashlimit, xt_policy, xt_recent, xt_socket, xt_string, xt_time


3.) Support-Information: New Wiki instruction „OpenXenManager“

With the release of XenServer 6.1 for fully automatic installation in the EUserv customer center, we have ready a useful guide for all Linux users in our Wiki. With OpenXenManager you can create your own VM’s, clone, start and stop without much effort in a few minutes. The included tools also allow you a solid monitoring of hosts and virtual machines – The EUserv Wiki shows how it’s done:

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