VPS traffic flat-rate / Fedora 19 / XenServer 6.2 / new Wiki instruction

01.08.2013 | von Robby | views: 7.939

We hereby publish the hosting and server news from EUserv on July, 31st. 2013.


1.) Server News: New operating systems Fedora 19 and XenServer 6.2
2.) VPS News#1: Implementation of traffic flat-rate
3.) VPS News#2: VPS with monthly contract term
4.) Support-information: New Wiki instruction „Xen with Cloudmin“


1.) Server News: New operating systems Fedora 19 and XenServer 6.2

Recently, the operating systems Fedora 19 and XenServer 6.2 are available in the customer center for installation on all dedicated servers.

** Fedora 19 **
Like every Fedora release, „Schrödinger’s Cat“ also comes with the latest and experimental software. Thus, besides a tech preview of Java 8, the DNS Server BIND version 10 and PHP 5.5. are available. As an init and system management tool systemd 204 comes as usual and shows up with new features. These include „systemd-nspawn“, which ensures the provision of unmodified Fedora container on a host. Furthermore, the regulation of resource utilization of services during the term is added. Systemd in Fedora 19 is also compatible with SysVinit. Fedora 19 can be installed in version „Standard“ or „RAID 1“.

More feautres:

– MariaDB MySQL as default option
– PHP 5.5
– Tech Preview of OpenJDK 8
– Integration of BIND 10
– Support for node.js

** XenServer 6.2 **
XenServer 6.2 replaces the previous XenServer Free, Advanced, Enterprise and Platinum versions. With version 6.2, the changeover to a new licensing model was done. All functions of the previous Premium variants are now available without a license. A license for the Citrix support is necessary, the licensing ensued per physical CPU. XenServer 6.2 is available as installation using LVM.

More features and changes:

– Performance improvements and an increase in the threshold to 500 VMs per host
– Full integration of performance monitoring and Supplemental Packs
– Support for new guest-operating-systems: Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Debian Wheezy, and much more
– Enhanced driver support for new hardware

The complete list of all currently available operating systems can be find here:


2.) VPS News#1: Implementation of traffic flat-rate

So far, the VPS plans M, L, XL, ProM, ProL as well as ProXL were available with a monthly free volume at full bandwidth. Upon reaching the free volume, the connection was throttled to 10Mbit/s. This restriction has been removed – thus, each VPS has an unlimited traffic flat-rate without forced throttling.


3.) VPS News#2: VPS with monthly contract term

So far, the VPS plans were offered with a 3- and 12-month contract term with automatic renewal. In addition, the term of 1 month with one month’s notice and automatic renewal has been added. The monthly rates are remained the same, the setup fee is slightly higher.

Until the end of August 2013 there is no setup fee for all VPS. You save up to 29.90 EUR. Additional information at


4.) Support-information: New Wiki instruction „Xen with Cloudmin“

EUserv has been extended the wiki for the operating system image „Debian 6.0r0 with Xen 4 and Cloudmin“. Cloudmin is an interface, based on Webmin, that allows the simple administration of virtual machines on Xen. With the web interface, virtual machines can be easily created and controlled. The Guide covers all necessary steps – from installation up to the use of Cloudmin.

The guide is can be find in the EUserv wiki under the following link:

{lang: 'de'}


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